Cities and Sustainability Objectives

As the sustainability movement grows, its aim, focus, and overall mission is solidifying. Amidst the hype, there is development of ambitious, but achievable goals and new leaders are emerging to head up local and global efforts to promote change.

The article Reinventing the City to Combat Climate Change is especially prescient to New Yorkers as Mayor Bloomberg has been selected to head C40 cities climate leadership group, an organization of cities worldwide to promote sustainability objectives.

EIS views these issues at the specific building level and has established a unique sustainability audit for our clients. The audit provides specific information to save energy, save money, reduce carbon footprints, and enhance value. we have recognized that our recomendations must also provide a healthier indoor environment and enhance lifestyles. Issues of quiet enjoyment and wellness need to be integrated within the typical energy audit methodology. The article Reinventing the City to Combat Climate Change tackles this issue head on – throwing down a gauntlet that must resonate if implementation of energy saving recommendations are to occur. The authors state “there can be no sustainability without livability.” It is our job to advise buildings of how to turn this simple axiom into reality.

Read more about C40 cities here.

Read about how you can make your building more sustainable with EIS here.

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